
Mr. Khoury is a song-writer, a poet, a performer, an arranger, a composer, a conductor, a research scholar, and a professor of both Western and Middle-Eastern musics. He has numerous works recorded to his credit: the Great Love cantata for H.M. the late King Hussein Bin Talal (of Jordan); the Glory Maker cantata for H.M. King Abdullah the Second (of Jordan); Our Love Is So Bright pop-rock song for American singer, Kay Weaver; the music soundtracks of the Dive in Aqaba touristic film (which sheds some light on the Gulf of Aqaba (the Red Sea, Jordan); and many musicals for chamber orchestras, assorted ensembles, feature and documentary films, and TV, Radio, and Satellite stations.

Having earned all of his higher education and lived in the U.S. for so many years, Dr. Khoury has managed to work in two disparate musical worlds (Western and Middle-Eastern) with high versatility and vitality. In addition to Piano and Guitar, he is also a successful performer of three Middle-Eastern instruments -- Oud, Organ, and Violin (tuned GDGD). As part of his strong conviction in serving the larger community with music, Dr. Khoury has always ensured active involvement in as many music festivals and social events as he could possibly participate in. In addition, he gave enlightening lectures on various aspects of Middle-Eastern music (modes or maqamat, instruments, forms, etc.). In this context, he contends that “Music has an allied power to bring forth a societal ligature, inasmuch as the rain has a magnetic power to impartially cluster different people under the tiara of a single umbrella.” “Music,” asserts Khoury, “can play a vitally peerless role in forging a bridge of understanding and thus fostering a higher level of open communication and relatedness between people from all walks of life.”

Khoury's repertoire includes a wide spectrum of musical works composed for sundry organics/complements, such as Misty Love, The Silky Browser (jazz-rock music), Play Ground (a piano duo), Nostalgia, My Beautiful Lady, My Love, Soft Touch, Farewell, A Sweet Dream, An Indifferent Man, A Real Woman, Serenata Notturna (a nocturne for violin), Desert Chi, Solitaire, A Notice of Love, Romance, Sour Soul, Don't Go Away, Love Dance (polka music), Dance on the Moon (waltz music), A Blue Orchid (a string quintet), Ravan, Japan Perspective (for clarinet and guitar), Romantic Theme (for piano and violin), as well as a vast portfolio of English and Middle-Eastern ballad songs and musical pieces.

Khoury's current activities include composing music for both a Turkish TV drama series and the A Teacher’s Memoirs documentary film, being a member on the adjudication panel of the First Star singing talents TV show, conducting on-campus lectures on Middle-Eastern music as well as on-site seminars on composing and arranging music, incorporating an innovative and creative project titled Characters-Based Music ®, and launching the Worldwide Artists Club (WAC) website project ™.


Khoury, Maestro Prof. Dr. Emil